frequently asked questions

Are there any prerequisites to this program?

You must have a high school diploma and access to high-speed internet in order to take the course. There are no other educational requirements.

How long is the program?

The CHP program is approximately 10.5 months in duration and must be completed within the scheduled time. If the program is not completed within the scheduled timeframe, students may opt to pay a “Repeater” fee of $499 to be included in the following cohort.

How is the course structured?

There will be a new module once per month which will include videos, independent reading assignments, and a quiz. There will also be a 1-hour, instructor-led Q&A conference call every week during the program on Mondays. Calls will be recorded and recordings sent out in case you can’t make the live sessions due to your schedule or miss a call. 

How much time a week should I expect to dedicate to this program?

Students should allow for a minimum of 7-10 hours a week to complete the reading, videos, conference calls, study and take quizzes. 

What happens after I graduate from this program? 

You will earn a certificate of completion in Christian Health and Nutrition to work as a Christian Nutrition Practitioner. You may do this in numerous ways which include (but are not limited to):

- Establishing your own private consulting practice (dependent on your state’s laws

- Working within your church organization to optimize the health of your community 

- Working in a clinical setting with other like-minded professionals

Is your program accredited?

The School of Christian Health and Nutrition is a private online institution that trains practitioners to address nutrition and health in alignment with God’s Word/Biblical Principles.  Our program offers certification and not licensure, as it is not accredited by the Department of Education or a Clinical Board. It will not qualify you to work in a hospital or other government regulated setting. Most licensure programs focus on disease management and are beholden to government guidelines. Because of this, these programs are limited in their ability to provide comprehensive education about optimal health. 

Is this certificate recognized by my state? 

States vary in their requirements for those providing health and nutritional counseling and advice. Some require licensure or working under supervision of a licensed practitioner. You can find your state’s requirements under its Department of Health. This is also a helpful resource:

Is there a payment plan or scholarship program?

The cost of the training program is $4995. You can select the Early Bird option ($4495) if you register within the first week of the registration window or use a Payment Plan (4 payments of $1350, once a month for 4 months) if you prefer.

We currently do not have a scholarship program but we are working on one for the future. 

What is the refund policy?

The School of Christian Health and Nutrition is the most comprehensive, step-by-step program for Christian Health Practitioners who want to integrate faith into their work.

Our team is highly skilled and motivated to help you step into your calling of changing the health of the Christian community.   

We have a 30-day money-back guarantee. Within the 30-day period after your purchase, you may reach out to us at anytime to and we will refund your investment, less a $225 administrative fee.


got more questions?!

please contact us using the form below! :)